It only takes a little

A few days ago, on a completely different site, I put forth an… well, I guess you could call it an ‘artistic effort’. A picture, a piece of writing, a video — whatever. The form doesn’t matter, at least not for what I want to talk about here.

I put it elsewhere because I did want it to be seen, and of course the only Readers here are quite Mythical. Hence, it is elsewhere. I will not identify it here.

But I knew when I put it out, that the odds were large that few would notice it, and fewer would care. Those that did care were far more likely to disapprove of it than to approve. So I expected to at best receive no feedback, and at worst a great deal of negative feedback.

Some of that has occurred.

But one person wrote some feedback, where he indicated that he got what I was going for, and enjoyed it. And….

He thanked me for putting it up.

Perhaps it is a measure of my utter lack of self-regard, but that really fucking mattered to me. I just might make something else like it in the future and put that out there, too. Whereas before, I was quite convinced that what I’d just finished would be the last time I’d do something like that, as it seemed a waste of time.

The point is not that someone liked something I did.

The point is this, oh Mythical Reader — if someone puts out there something that you like, TELL THEM YOU LIKE IT. If all they ever hear is how terrible it is, or how it could have been done better, or that they should be doing something else instead, then they’re likely to go away and not do that thing you liked anymore. That’d be a shame, wouldn’t it?

Filling the gap

I have realized that I left a bit of a gap in my previous postings, that related my various eras of anime watching. I never got around to explaining what it was that brought me back around to my current state of, once again, watching anime in a more or less avid manner.

Not that anyone other than myself will care, naturally, but as these are written for myself rather than the Mythical Reader, and as I am still at a loss as to why I do some of the things I do, I will fill the gap. So to speak.


What provoked me to return to my anime watching ways?

It wasn’t an anime.

It was… oh, lord, I don’t wanna say it…

It was My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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Happy Birthday Tsumugi Kotobuki


Today, July 2, is the birthday of the fictional character Tsumugi Kotobuki, from the world-renowned and universally acclaimed anime (and manga) series, K-On!

Why am I making mention of a fictional birthday of a fictional character?

Why the hell not?

Besides, Mugi (her nickname) is my favorite character, in one of my favorite shows. So I made some animated gifs of her. (after the break, to spare anyone who’s not interested in seeing them)

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I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now

I have been told that I have the soul of an engineer.

This was not intended as a compliment. But I couldn’t take it as an insult, either; ’tis a mere statement of fact. I do have the soul of an engineer.

As a kid, I would take radios and other small appliances apart, to see if I could figure out how they worked. Most electronic stuff, of course, I couldn’t, as rows of resisters and capacitors don’t tell you that much about their function. The more mechanical items, I at least got the gist of by examining the innards. And naturally being able to put them back together was very important, as certain family members would not be pleased by my rendering valuable items inoperable, even in the noble pursuit of knowledge.
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Fighting evil by moonlight

After leaving anime behind shortly after the Dirty Pair days, I didn’t think too much about it. It was easy to not think about, after all; there was almost no way to run across any anime unless you were out there looking for it. And I was not.

I was driving somewhere in my car listening to the radio, sometime in late 1998 it must have been, when the barenaked ladies song One Week came on. I hadn’t heard it before, but they were a band I liked, so I paid attention to it.

Of course, the one line in there grabbed my attention: “gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon ’cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babies that make me think the wrong thing“.

Anime? A pop song is singing about anime?

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I was lucky enough to get the K-On History’s Music Box poster that was the limited bonus for the box. Behold, more bad photography:

out-of-focus image of poster

bonus poster

I suppose eventually my entire living space will be covered by anime posters, the majority of which will be K-On. That may or may not be a bad thing, but it probably is a mad thing. At least it’s a quiet madness.

I do have to get a better camera at some point, thought. I’m glad no one is actually reading this.

While away the day

Spending the whole day just downloading pictures of your favorite anime characters is a perfectly acceptable way to pass the time. Right?

I know objectively it makes little sense, but having a whole mass of pics right there on my hard drive is in some way quite pleasing to me. Like having a miniature art museum handy for perusing at any time.

Ah well. Like I was going to be able to hide for very long from the Mythical Readers the fact that I’m probably quite mad. Quite quietly mad, at least. Barking mad comes later, I suppose.