Up late at night

Here I am, making another post at my blog, which I only use because it more or less came with the domain, which I wanted for email. I’m up in pain, from oral surgery, because my CPAP mask hits right on the spot where the surgery was.

Fortunately there is Vicodin, or to be precise the generic version thereof. There is also internet purchasing of goods, which is easier to justify to myself when on all this Vicodin.

This will not end well. It never does.


As I write this, a storm is raging outside. The thunder is shaking the cheap glass in the apartment windows. The flashes of lightning strobing as they interplay with the flashes of the interior lights as they struggle to remain on, the power coming and going. Laptops are good to have at times like this.
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New banner

I finally updated the banner image here on my little site.

Of course this one also rather sucks. The art of photography completely escapes me, I’m afraid.

Oh well, no one cares.

Still ticking along

It’s certainly about time that I added something new to this silly empty little blog of mine.

And as soon as I think of anything worth saying, I will do just that.

Breath-holding is not recommended.

Going all in

I’ve been looking forward to Windows 10 for at least a year. My Windows 7 box is at least five years old, and I’ve already had a hard drive go wonky on it (having multiple backups pays off). The motherboard was great for its day, but I can’t put any new expansion boards on it, even into free slots, and have them work; so it’s starting to croak. So I was going to buy a new box, build it from the ground up with the best components I could buy, and put Windows 10 on it.

Same for my cell phone. I started researching the existing Lumnia line, to see what “flagship” phone Microsoft might come out with when Win10 came out. I was tired of using my iPhone 5 with my Win7 box, as things seemed to never work together all that well. Since at work we’re moving to a complete Microsoft shop and getting rid of the old mainframes, it seemed like a great time to move completely to Microsoft on the personal side as well.

I wanted to go “all in”.

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Officially Old

Well, in the past few days I’ve passed one of those milestone birthdays. I am now old. Not even in the most theoretical sense are there any remnants of youth remaining to me.

It’s all rather depressing.

Nothing left now but to slide more or less gracefully into the grave. Although I can say that if there’s some form of afterlife I’m going to be incredibly pissed about the whole thing.