Communication Difficulties

Well let’s see if this works…

I suppose it does.

Well, then.

Welcome back, Mythical Readers. Your favorite mad writer has been away for a bit. Sadly, he writes most of these missives at work during his down times. In the past, this was done on his computer, and he transferred his work to a USB drive, then later to his home computer, and hence out into the interwebs to be vastly ignored. Alas, his employer hath rendered all USB connections to all work computers read-only, as a way of blocking a possible avenue of release of “sensitive client information”. While leaving the DVD writer in my particular machine functioning perfectly, at least for now. Well, they employ a madman, so we can’t expect too much rational behavior from them, I suppose.

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Subs versus dubs

In my occasional perusal of the Anime News Network (ANN) site, I will sometimes against my better judgement dip into the comment sections. Every time I do I am reminded yet again of several things: 1) I am dissimilar in tastes to almost all the usual ANN commentators, and 2) yea gods and little fishes do those motherfuckers hate subtitled anime.

I myself hate dubbed anime.

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Exercise in futility

Should I write another post?

Eh, might as well.

First, in that last post, I should have stated that I was referring to application programers. System programming is a whole other world. I wanted to be a systems programmer, but at the time that meant moving to Mexifornia, and I wanted no part of that.


I’m less and less inclined to put anything up here, as there’s little point in doing so. First, no one reads it, of course. Second, even as a sounding board for my own ideas… what’s the point?

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Useless ranting

I’m a bit burned out on discussing anime topics. So instead the Mythical Readers will be treated to something else I’m burned out about.


It’s not what you think. I’m not tired of the Apple vs. Microsoft vs. Android smartphone wars. I’m not tired of the Nintendo vs. Microsoft vs. Sony game console wars. I’m not tired of…

Actually, come to think of it, I actually AM tired of all that. But that is not what I want to blather on about in this particular post. Because those, you see, are user concerns.

I’m a programmer.

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Happy Birthday Azusa Nakano

I suppose that if I continued with my tradition of birthday wishes for all of the main characters of the K-On! anime, that this post would be topped with the animated gif of Azusa with the flashing star over her eye, that I’ve done for the others thus far. The rest of the post would be filled with other animated gifs of Azusa.

None of that is going to happen, I’m afraid.

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Love… exciting and new….

This is a love letter.

To an anime character.

I know, I know… this is why all the Readers here are strictly Mythical. Even if someone did stumble into this dusty dead-end on the internet, the previous two sentences will have made them desperately stab at the back button, if not the off button itself.

That’s all good and fine; I’m well used to talking to myself. Seeing as how no one else listens anyway.

So I shall carry on.

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